Career Coaching

Hiring a career coach to grow and develop your skills could greatly improve your chances of succes, whether you`re a manager, an employee or someone looking for a new job or career.

Roels Based Coaching will help you gain insights through an external, objective and constructive perspective of your situation. Hereby providing you with structure and expertise to help you explore your strengths and improve your weaknesses using the DISC methodology.

As a career coach, Roels Based Coaching specialises in different themes.

Change your career
Roels Based Coaching will guide you with reflecting on who you are and what you value most in your work and career, whether you have just graduated from University and need help, or you are looking to change your career path completely. These new insights can ultimatelhy lead to a huge turnaround in your career but also life.

You want to improve your interview skills and CV
There are certain techniques that make a good interviewee. If you are an interviewee looking to increase your chances of getting the job you want, Roels Based Coaching has over 10+ years` experience in HR related fields, such as Talent Acquisition, to help you significantly boost your chances. From learning how to speak in a clear, confident manner, to constructing full, informative and convincing answers. Roels Based Coaching will also support you to construct, write and optimise your CV to offer you the best possible chances of getting that all-important interview.

You need help managing a team
Managing a team of people can be incredibly hard work. You have to be very perceptive – how do you identify and utilise everybody’s strengths? How do you get everyone to work as well as they possibly can together?
Roels Based Coaching has first hand experience with managing teams within large international corporates and can therefore support you to improve and refine your skills required to be an excellent leader.

You want to further develop your public speaking skills
Good communication skills don’t come naturally to all of us by any means. Shyness, awkwardness, low self-confidence and feelings of inferiority can hold people back in business, no matter how intelligent or innovative they are. Whether you suffer from stage-fright or simply want to turn an interesting presentation into an inspiring one. Roels Based Coaching has a solid background in public speaking and will teach you the specialist techniques required to give an excellent and effective pitch, conference, or presentation.

Get in touch with Roels Based Coaching

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