Stress Management Coaching

Feeling stressed is something we all experience. Perhaps a situation or event is causing stress, or maybe it’s our reaction to something that’s making us feel overwhelmed. Whatever the reason, stress affects us all.

For some of us, however, it’s a recurring problem that, over time, can seriously impact our health and well-being. There are many ways we can learn to cope with stress better, but sometimes we just need support from an `experience expert`.

Sometimes, we can’t control what stressful events are going to happen to us. By working with a coach, you can develop your emotional resilience so you’re better able to cope if these events occur. Often it’s not the event itself that’s stressful, but our reaction to it.

When it comes to stress, my aim is to help you understand the root causes, rather than to ‘fix’ the symptoms. This is done via a series of conversations where I will help you to gain understanding of your situation, and offer insights or reflections you may not have considered.

Understanding what is causing you to feel stressed means you can change habits and behaviours that lead to the stress – for example, boundary setting and saying ‘no’ more. I will guide you through these changes, offering support the entire way.

Looking forward to meeting you and discuss what Roels Based Coaching can do to help you in becoming more resilient to stress going forward.

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