Training Team Communication Skills

Who’s the most valuable player on a team? By definition, every team member is essential to the team’s success. As a manager and leader of your team, it’s up to you to define and maintain your team’s culture.

The best place to start is by understanding why teams are so important in business. The advantage of a team working together effectively will support you to achieve one of the companies most important goals — the bottom line.

Roels Based Coaching is a certified DISC trainer. Building DISC into team training or a group’s development can be a highly effective way to increase awareness of the dynamics between members by defining 4 different communication styles. It helps identify the strengths and challenges relating to a team’s performance and growth.

The DISC methodology provides an easy to learn common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors when communicating with others. This can be within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships. It shows the dynamics, strengths and growth areas of a team, department, division, or organization.

If you and your team participate in a DISC program, all team members will be asked to complete a series of questions that produce a detailed report about heir personality and behavior. You’ll also receive tips related to working with people of other styles. The results of the tests will be discussed with the team, under my supervision, in a safe and neutral setting.

DISC profiles can help you and your team:

  • Increase of self-knowledge: how you respond to conflict, what causes you stress, what motivates you and how you solve problems;
  • Improve working relationships by recognizing the communication needs of team members;
  • Facilitate better teamwork by implementing more productive conflict management;
  • Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles;
  • Manage more effectively by understanding the dispositions and priorities of employees and team members.


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